Well, I applied myself and improved upon the storyboard page. Everyone who's ever watched a DVD will know that storyboards are useful in setting up shots, because they give you the preconceived notion of what a scene should look like. Halfway through drawing, I gave up on storyboards, but here's what I have so far.
Movie to Storyboard Comparisons
As you may notice, the spray paint was replaced by a felt marker, but the shot remains the same. |
Don't you love the tougues sticking out of the drawings? |
One of the most faithful storyboard-to-shot adaptations. I have a clear idea of how the scene would go, and though it took a lot of takes, it remains one of my favorite shots. |
Instead of a high shot, which would have required a ladder, we just stuck to a far shot with the lights flashing and the lot empty. |
I think the stick person is better looking than the actor. |
Another faithful adaptation. Did help that I knew that I was using my own car, so I was aware of its enviroments. |
Remaining Storyboards
As you may see, the full storyboards aren't completely faithful to the movie because of several factors - it was either difficult to shoot or impossible to do without replacable windows. But here are the full storyboards.
Storyboard 1 Storyboard 2
Script | Storyboards | Cast and Crew | Media | Miscellaneous Hamster Wheel Productions, 2001
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